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2 Timothy 4

Read 2 Timothy 4.

Preach the Word

Paul charges Timothy, in the presence of God and of Jesus and by the return of Jesus and his coming kingdom to preach the Word. Jesus is returning to establish his kingdom. In light of this, we need to be men who are doing as much as we can to promote his kingdom. Paul says that we need to be ready in season and out of season because our time to share is limited.

Question 1 Describe the last time you started a conversation with the intention of encouraging someone spiritually. When was that? If it was a long time ago, what does that say about your “readiness to preach the Word”?

As we become men who are ready to preach in and out of season, Paul does not promise that it will be easy. Instead, he says the opposite. He says that people are going to want to hear just what they want to hear. Because of this, we may suffer for being a faithful witness to the truth.

Question 2 In verse five, Paul lists four specific things for Timothy to do. What are they?

I think this is a great list applicable to any man. For the next question, I want you to list how you are fulfilling the last two things Paul mentions.

Question 3 How are you doing “the work of an evangelist”? Could this improve for you? Do you know what your ministry is and are you fulfilling it as Paul urged Timothy?

When Paul said in Romans to “present your bodies as living sacrifices”, he wasn’t saying it as merely a nice metaphor. Paul showed us what he meant. At this point in his life, Paul knows that he is near the end and can say that his life has been poured out as a drink offering. He came from the best Jewish background and yet gave that all up for the sake of Christ. In what ways does your life look like Paul’s? That is, what have you given up for Christ?

Paul isn’t just surrendering his like here with no hope for reward. He says that he knows that he has a crown waiting for him. This crown isn’t just for him, but for all who long for Jesus to return. Do you love and long for the appearing of Jesus? Are you eagerly looking for it?

Question 4 Do you believe that whatever you give up in this life for God will more than be made up for in heaven? How does knowing this impact your decisions?

Continue in the Faith

Next, Paul gives some personal instructions to Timothy. But it starts on a somber note. We find out that Demas has abandoned Paul.

Demas was a travelling companion of Paul’s. He greets the church of Colossae (Col. 4:14) as well as Philemon (Phil. 24). Demas has seemed to be a very strong and enthusiastic Christian. But Paul says that he became “in love with this present world” and deserted Paul.

This is the danger of the lure of the world. This is why John tells us “do not love the world” (1 John 2:15). The world will slowyly dull our love for God until we no longer find him beautiful. It is typically slow and subtle and we don’t realize it is happening. This time of isolation can be a great time to examine yourself to see if there is any area where you see yourself drifting into “loving the world.”

Question 5 What hobbies or interests do you have that could cause you to drift into loving the world? How can you keep them in check?

On a more positive note, Paul says to bring Mark to him. Previously, Mark has deserted Paul and Barnabas on their missionary journey. This had bothered Paul so much that he didn’t what to bring him along on the second trip. Now Mark seems to be useful again.

Question 6 What can we learn from this part of Mark’s life?

Paul asks Timothy to bring him a cloak because he is cold in the dark prison cell. He also wishes to have his books and parchments. No doubt these are the Scriptures.

In verse 16, Paul says that everyone deserted him at first but that the Lord stood by him.

Question 7 During this time of isolation, what are you doing to grow deeper in your walk with the Lord?

Don’t just waste this time alone. Seek the Lord while you have a chance with fewer distractions!